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IVR Solutions

Make your communication two way with our advanced IVR functionality. Ask your users questions and get their responses back in real time. Great for getting back confirmations, feedback and opinions from your users. Our web Interface makes it very easy to create your own IVR.

Missed Call

Generate leads from your ads, Sign-up users for your loyalty program, Live event polls etc using a missed call number. Follow the missed call with a SMS or a call from your sales team. Responses for a missed call number are 10 times more as compared to a regular phone number.

Click to Call

An instant calling widget, strategically placed on your website to help you get in touch with leads while they’re looking you up. With Click-to-Call, you can connect with leads, right away, to increase your conversion time. As soon as a visitor submits his number, we bridge a call between your agent and the visitor (numbers registered in NDNC are not dialed). These calls are free of cost to your potential customers.
Pioneers of instant call connect services in India, we work exclusively with top banks, insurance firms, airlines and travel companies automate their customer contact processes.

Click-to-Call is deployed in various modes including simple Click-to-Call, Click-to-Call with user forms, SMS-to-Call (on SMS short and long codes), ATM/kiosk-call-backs and automated call-backs on online transaction failure scenarios

Our instant call connect services have helped companies measure and increase their returns on Campaigns. Delivered using Amazon Web Services’ Cloudfront CDN

Agent Login modules / APIs for direct agent and integration with large call center environment

Ready integration with Google Adwords’ ValueTrack, Google Analytics for campaign tracking


Toll free service enables visitors of your website to send SMS to your number at zero cost. You, as the website owner should take care of the charges. This service is similar to that of toll free phone numbers, where the caller spends nothing at all by calling. In the toll free SMS service, the sender just types a message from the website and the message is delivered to your mobile.

How it works ?

● You (the website owner) have to sign up with us and buy a toll free SMS account.
● Purchase a toll free SMS plan that suits your requirement.
● Instructions will be sent to you to enable you to use our services.
● Visitors of your website will be required to fill in an enquiry form.
● The filled-in enquiry information will be received in your mobile as an SMS.
● Any person from any part of the world can send SMS to you.
● It is faster than an Email. Moreover, enquiry by Email is less reliable due to SPAM & VIRUS.

Benefits to Business/Website Owner

● Customers make use of toll free services as they are free. Hence, it is more likely that customers would contact you if you have toll free    services. Thus, you will find much higher response to your marketing efforts if you have toll free services.
● Cost-effective and easy to implement on your website.
● You can access your SMS on your mobile phone wherever you are.
● Quicker than Email- visitors to your website can reach you instantly by SMS.
● You can expand your marketing reach. Anyone from around the world can contact you by SMS, without you incurring any international SMS    charges.
● Helps you connect with customers instantly.
● Increases customer loyalty. Builds confidence and trust with your customers by showing them that a live representative of your organisation is    just an SMS away.
● Guaranteed attention as the SMS reaches the right person and not a common Email box.